Jimmy Asija

Jimmy Asija

Nobody ever claimed life was simple; when lemons are thrown your way, all you have to do is make lemonade, and Jimmy Asija is the perfect person to represent this idea. Jimmy Asija, a well-known producer, faced several difficulties in his early career. He began his career at the age of 18 and had a meagre income of only $4,500. He has a great deal of passion that was instilled in him from the beginning and has always been a motivated person. He has a strong inner drive that motivates him to give everything he does his all. Jimmy Asija has always been a spokesperson for the idea of "Follow Your Passion."


Film Career

He started working in film since his mother always encouraged him to pursue acting when he was a very small child. He made an effort to realise his mother's wish, but sadly it was unsuccessful. He therefore had aspirations to encourage his older son Hitarth to pursue a career in acting. He conducted some market research to learn how low-budget movies may do well at the box office. When he learned that a Gujarati film made 26 crores in profit on a small investment, he was able to regain his composure. As a result, he began to contact the directors after his investigation and had the chance to meet Jackie Patel. Jackie was working on a film at the time, and Jimmy received the script from you. Fortunately, Jimmy thought the storyline was great and told Jacky he wanted his son to be in this movie. Jimmy eventually became one of the movie's investors.


Future Plans

Jimmy enjoys seeing movies and the idea of movies. Consequently, you can anticipate future films from him to centre on drama, people, or relationships. He does intend to produce films soon with the biggest Bollywood stars.

New video blog from Hitarth and Hitansh, Jimmy Asija's sons

He explains to the viewers at the start of the video blog that the vlogging equipment he ordered is currently undergoing a pooja to purify it. The name of the YouTube channel is H&H Asija's. They reveal the entire setup of the room/studio they built especially for their YouTube account after a few pictures of the brothers doing the puja. They did this in order to provide original material for their channel.

These two brothers had a lot of confidence, giving off the idea that their work will get better over time. Jimmy Asija is one of the most well-known producers right now. His kids have now started a YouTube vlog channel in order to show the world what they can do.




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